10 Days Tour in Morocco from Casablanca

10 Days Tour in Morocco from Casablanca

Tour Description:

By booking this 10 Days Tour in Morocco from Casablanca you will be travelling around the imperial cities of Morocco to explore capitals before Rabat. You will be visiting Fes the first capital in the 9-10 and 13-14-15 century by the Idrissed and Merinid dynasties. You will also visit Marrakesh that was the second capital of Morocco in the 11, 12 and 16 centuries by the Almohid, Moravid and Saadien dynasties. The tour includes Meknes which was the capital of the current Alouit dynasty since the 17 C. You will also visit the current Capital of Morocco Rabat under the UNESCO protection. This tour includes also beautiful small towns such as Asilah and Chefchaouen, additional to the world heritage site Tetouan.

Tour itinerary:

Day 1 : Casablanca-Rabat

You will be smiley welcomed by one of our team as soon as you arrive the airport. Visiting Casablanca depends on your time of arrival and your choice after your long flight. , we will be driving through the high way to Rabat, you will be exploring Rabat by visiting the  the Mausoleum , walk in the Kasbah Oudaya and see the Hassan Tower. Overnight at the Medina of Rabat

Day 2 : Rabat-Assilah

After breakfast in your riad, you will be travelling by the Atlantic to Asilah in which we will have some stops along the way to enjoy the beauty of the landscape. You will check into your riad early afternoon, then you will start exploring the Medina of Asilah. Which is known by the annual festival for the arts, also you will be visiting the alleys of the Medina; and you will enjoy a few visits to the galleries that represent the culture of the area and Morocco. At the evening you will experience a wonderful view of the Medina and the most beautiful sunset in the ocean. Overnight in the Medina at Assilah

Day 3 : Asilah-Tetouan

Following breakfast, you will travel to Tetouan through the high way, arriving Tetouan late morning. you will explore Tetouan which was rebuilt by the Andalusian refugees who had been expelled by the Spanish. This is well illustrated by its art and architecture, which reveal clear Andalusian influence, at the same city you will also look into one of the beautiful Medinas of Morocco that is bestowal as a UNESCO world heritage. 35 km from Tetouan would take us to Fnideq for having a coffee by the Mediterranean, Overnight at the Medina of Tetouan

Day 4 : Tetouan-Chefchaouen

You are in Chefchaouen after 2 hours drive via the Riff Mountain. After arriving here, you will explore the unique beauty of this Medina, with its washed walls and blue windows and doors. . Enjoy Chefchaoen by walking in the beautiful blue alley, Chefchaouen is well known by goats cheese, don’t miss some, overnight at Chefchaouen

Day 5: Chefhouaen- Riif Mountains-Volubilis-Meknes

Foolowing breakfast, our journey begins by travelling via Ouazen, and then to continue visiting volubilis, a Roma ruin dated back to the 3 century BC where you will see the most beautiful mosaics in Morocco. A 30 minutes drive would take us to Explore and Enjoy Meknes. Meknes is known by the Ismaili capital since it was the capital of Morocco in the 17 century during the reign of the King Ismail, At this city you will explore the square entertained by story tellers, musicians and snake charmers, you will also see the Mausoleum of Mulay Ismail, the Granary, the Sahrij Souani basin and the famous Gate of Bab Mansour, overnight at the heart of the medina at Meknes

Day 6: To Fes-Exploring Fes with the local guide

You will be in Fes after a 50 minutes driving from Meknes, After your arrival you will look into Fes, your visit will start by walking in the narrow alley of the Medina,  the Royal Palace, the Jewish headquarter, and the first built Mellah in Morocco, Proceed your visit to El-Attarine Souks where the craftsmen offers the visitor a non-stop spectacles. Leaving El-Souk through the gate with its green decoration and blue faiences, moving towards the amazing Moroccan Museum with its marvelous contains of Art; then optional lunch at El-Medina. Visiting the new city in the afternoon. Overnight in Fes

Day 7: Explore Fes by yourself

Fes is considered the largest, wildest building in the world without cars, with narrow alleys. you explore it yesterday with the local guide, explore it by yourself today

Day 8: Fes-Marrakesh

Following breakfast, you will travel to Marrakesh through the high way, arriving Marrakesh early evening. . Here you will be delighted by the dancers, snake charmers, jugglers, narrators, and singers as well as enjoy a refreshing orange juice in front of the numerous workshops. Spend the night in a riad that fit your type of accommodation

Day 9 : Explore Marrakesh:

Following breakfast, you will have a full day tour of Marrakech with the a local guide around the city ramparts and the secrets places. You will visit the Koutoubia Minaret, the Majorelle Gardens, the 16th century Saadian Tombs, the Bahia Palace, and the Dar Si Said Palace museum of jewelry, kaftans, leatherwork, carpets, chests and doors. Spend the night in the same accommodation.

Day 10: Departure, Safe trip, We hope you enjoy your trip with us